How do I register for a competition?
Weightlifting Scotland will post their expected calendar for the next few months, these competitions will then be set up on Sport80 and will become available to enter.
The link is:
You will need a British Weightlifting Membership to access and register for all Sport80 competitions.
A Weightlifting Scotland membership is currently included in a British Weightlifting Membership (so you need a BWL member to enter WLS competitions)
How do I get a Weightlifting Scotland Membership?
You will need a British Weightlifting Membership to register for all Sport80 competitions.Weightlifting Scotland membership is currently included in a British Weightlifting Membership so you need a BWL member to enter WLS competitions.
The link is:
How do I enter my first competition?
You will need a British Weightlifting Membership. Then find a competition you wish to enter. The Weightlifting Scotland Calendar is available on the website.
Once the competition is live on Sport80 to register: https://bwl.sport80.com/v/846081/e/competitions.
Complete register and make payment.
**Please ensure you meet the entry critiria for any competition, as listed on the registration process.**
If it is your first competition you will need to ensure the competition is open and has no previous total requirements. If it has a total requirement, these can be found on the website. British Weightlifting are continuing to run online competitions for 2023 to assist in gaining qualification totals for athletes, these are also listed on the Sport80 page.
Can I bring my coach to a competition?
Absolutely! Your coach will need to have a valid and current BWL membership and a Coaching License to coah at any Sport80 registered competition.
How do I become a technical official to help out at competitions?
Weightlifting Scotland welcome and appreciate the help and support from our technical officials and are always hoping to add more people to this group.
To book the above/any BWL course please email us at coursesweightliftingscotland@outlook.com
We will then guide you through the process to register for your course and help Weightlifting Scotland by seeing funds come directly back to us to help our organisation run events and squads.
Have a look at our COURSES page for more info
Can I do any courses through Weightlifting Scotland?
Yes! All of the British Weightlifting courses are available through Weightlifting Scotland and we appreciate anyone wanting to gain these official qualifications through the Weightlifting Scotland path.
To book the above/any BWL course please email us at coursesweightliftingscotland@outlook.com
We will then guide you through the process to register for your course and help Weightlifting Scotland by seeing funds come directly back to us to help our organisation run events and squads.
Have a look at our COURSES page for more info
If you register on the British Weightlifting Website we do not see any funds so you are helping us grow.
How do I become a registered weightlifting club?
Please get in touch: media@weightliftingscotland.com once registered so we can add your club to our website
How do I host a competition?
You can register your interest in hosting a Weightlifting Scotland Competition that has yet to confirm a venue by emailing: competitions@weightliftingscotland.com with details of your venues size, amount of platforms, facilities etc.
What do I wear to compete?
Athletes must be weighed in their weightlifting costume. Athletes must not wear shoes or socks or any other footwear during the weigh-in. If an athlete is over their officially entered bodyweight category, 250 grams can be deducted from the weight shown on the scales to allow for the weight of the Costume. If the athlete is within their officially entered bodyweight category the weight on the scales will be recorded as shown.
U12 lifters may compete in shorts and T-shirt.
A weightlifting costume (leotard) which complies with the following criteria:
• Must be one piece
• Must be collarless
• May be of any colour
• Must not cover the knees
• Must not cover the elbows
More information can be found in the Technical and Competition Rules and Regulations on the BWL website
How does a WLS Competition normally run?
The athletes will have three attempts to record their highest lift in both the Snatch and the Clean & Jerk.
The Snatch is attempted first and the barbell is loaded on the lifting platform in order of progression.
This just means that the athlete attempting the lowest weight will lift first.As attempts are made the athletes have to announce the next weight they will attempt to lift and any increase in weight must be a minimum of 1kg.
Athletes have 1 minute to perform the lift, or 2 minutes if they are attempting consecutive lifts.Once all athletes have had their three attempts at lifting their highest weight in the Snatch there is short break and this process is repeated for the Clean & Jerk.
An Instagram post is available with some more information: How competitions work.
What do the Referees do?
Three referees watch on as the athletes attempt their lifts.
Each referee has a control box with two buttons; one is white and the other is red. The white button is pressed when the referees have judged a lift as ‘Good’.
The red button is pressed if the referee believes the athlete has committed a fault during the execution of a lift and a ‘No Lift’ decision is made.
A majority judgement is required from the referees to determine whether a lift is ‘Good’ or ‘No Lift’. For example, if two referees press the white button to indicate a ‘Good’ lift and the third presses the red button, the majority will be accepted.
A no lift will be given if an individual uses his/her foot to move the bar before the attempt or put their foot on the bar or plates whichever before/after the attempt.
The main reason for this is hygiene, if their shoes are dirty, the bar may scratch the athlete's neck so the bar must be clean. The technical official must press the red button to indicate a no lift.
Where can I find the rules and regulations?
More information can be found in the Technical and Competition Rules and Regulations

